Top 10k strings from Your Sinclair - Issue 41 - Smash Tape 17 (1989)(Your Sinclair)(Side B).tzx in <root> / bin / z80 / software / Sinclair Spectrum Collection TOSEC.exe / Sinclair ZX Spectrum - Covertapes / Sinclair ZX Spectrum - Covertapes - [TZX] (TOSEC-v2007-01-01) /

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   3 r$(j)="Surely not!":
   3 no=(MOB+g)
   2 r$(j)="You see some silkworms eating":
   2 r$(j)="There are no stairs here!":
   2 r$(j)="It now appears to be firmly shut":
   2 r$(j)="Hasn't done much good!":
   2 r$(j)="Green and eerie!":
   2 ********************************
   2 (f+aa)=j))
   2  You are part-way along a dark
   1 with what looks like a 
   1 velvet, and magical    
   1 u,a;"Press a key to start again.":
   1 to be empty--it does look as 
   1 the north and south..........
   1 strains of solemn music can  
   1 so you pick it up.
   1 slimy ramp leads up from the 
   1 section, but that no longer     necessarily holds."
   1 replacing my lost 
   1 red door  
   1 red       
   1 r$(x,j)="*"
   1 r$(j)="Your advances are rebuffed!":
   1 r$(j)="You've managed to catch one.":
   1 r$(j)="You've had your rations!":
   1 r$(j)="You've already visited both!":
   1 r$(j)="You're just making a ROD for":
   1 r$(j)="You're a bit previous!":
   1 r$(j)="You try your best stories but":
   1 r$(j)="You see plants and flowers.":
   1 r$(j)="You must not waste time talking.":
   1 r$(j)="You must do better than that!":
   1 r$(j)="You hear the chanting of the":
   1 r$(j)="You have no weapon!":
   1 r$(j)="You have no PIPE!":
   1 r$(j)="You have no KEY!":
   1 r$(j)="You find some navel FLUFF!":
   1 r$(j)="You filled it!":
   1 r$(j)="You feel the outline of a slot!":
   1 r$(j)="You disturb the haystack and a":
   1 r$(j)="You couldn't carry ALL that!":
   1 r$(j)="You collect a handful of HAY.":
   1 r$(j)="You can't reach it!":
   1 r$(j)="You can't quite reach them.":
   1 r$(j)="You can't go THAT way!":
   1 r$(j)="You are quite dazzled by it's":
   1 r$(j)="With what?":
   1 r$(j)="What navel did that fall out of?":
   1 r$(j)="What a strange request! You must":
   1 r$(j)="Well done! you have now made a":
   1 r$(j)="Waken up! Faint solemn music.":
   1 r$(j)="Unusual etchings here.":
   1 r$(j)="Try an udder idea!":
   1 r$(j)="Those could be made into":
   1 r$(j)="They look rather sad!":
   1 r$(j)="They look quite bright!":
   1 r$(j)="They lead UP and no more DOWN!":
   1 r$(j)="They don't go up from here!":
   1 r$(j)="They don't go down from here!":
   1 r$(j)="They display some beautifully":
   1 r$(j)="They are not locked.":
   1 r$(j)="They are in striking colours.":
   1 r$(j)="They appear somewhat dangerous!":
   1 r$(j)="There's nobody here!":
   1 r$(j)="There's an empty BOX on it.":
   1 r$(j)="There's a spider's web there.":
   1 r$(j)="There's a gold slot in it! Ah,":
   1 r$(j)="There's a fly on it!":
   1 r$(j)="There's a SNAKE in it!":
   1 r$(j)="There is a flash of 
   1 r$(j)="There are plants, flowers and":
   1 r$(j)="The zodiac signs are all over...":
   1 r$(j)="The spider takes the fly, and":
   1 r$(j)="The soothsayer is overwhelmed by":
   1 r$(j)="The light from the fire only":
   1 r$(j)="The heat from the fire gives":
   1 r$(j)="The cow won't let you!":
   1 r$(j)="The cow rises to eat the HAY and":
   1 r$(j)="The chanting is cheerful now!":
   1 r$(j)="The Soothsayer frowns at you so":
   1 r$(j)="The SPHINX smiles an inscrutable":
   1 r$(j)="The MUMMY shouts ""That is not":
   1 r$(j)="The MUMMY says ""Don't GIVE me":
   1 r$(j)="The MUMMY nods his bandages in":
   1 r$(j)="The MUMMY is singing CHEEK TO":
   1 r$(j)="The MUMMY asks ""Do I look like":
   1 r$(j)="The Concubine smiles at you and":
   1 r$(j)="The BOX unlocks. Inside you see":
   1 r$(j)="The Anubis manages to avoid you!":
   1 r$(j)="The ANUBIS won't permit that!":
   1 r$(j)="The ANUBIS blocks your way.":
   1 r$(j)="That's too general GENERAL!":
   1 r$(j)="That's really milking it!":
   1 r$(j)="That's not for you!":
   1 r$(j)="That would be stealing!":
   1 r$(j)="That pile could hardly be called":
   1 r$(j)="That haystack is NOT a pile!":
   1 r$(j)="That doesn't SUIT you!":
   1 r$(j)="That could seriously damage a":
   1 r$(j)="That cloth is not ready for":
   1 r$(j)="Talking to yourself is the first":
   1 r$(j)="Talking to yourself is a sure":
   1 r$(j)="THOTH would like a GOLD garment!":
   1 r$(j)="THAT coin gets you some KOHL":
   1 r$(j)="Still dangerous!":
   1 r$(j)="Still a trace of a smile there!":
   1 r$(j)="Slimy snakes are all over it.":
   1 r$(j)="She's not here now!":
   1 r$(j)="She's not here at the moment!":
   1 r$(j)="She's much too heavy for you!":
   1 r$(j)="She's already been fed!":
   1 r$(j)="She is not for getting!":
   1 r$(j)="She doesn't fancy THAT food!":
   1 r$(j)="Persian design with a cow on it.":
   1 r$(j)="Perhaps a good 
   1 r$(j)="Peacock blue and acid yellow!":
   1 r$(j)="Pay attention! It's BLACK!":
   1 r$(j)=" have no ROD!":
   1 r$(j)="One of the snakes slithers up":
   1 r$(j)="On reflection, it's probably to":
   1 r$(j)="On it are the weaponss of a":
   1 r$(j)="Old BONEY will not comply!":
   1 r$(j)="OK. You take a handful of HAY":
   1 r$(j)="OK. That seamed like a good idea":
   1 r$(j)="OK. That could be useful as the":
   1 r$(j)="Now, now ! Don't be silly! There":
   1 r$(j)="Nothing special can be heard.":
   1 r$(j)="Note this.....""They lead DOWN!""":
   1 r$(j)="Not even the glimmer of a smile!":
   1 r$(j)="Not behind the 
   1 r$(j)="North or south to find out!":
   1 r$(j)="None of that variety here.":
   1 r$(j)="No-one here by that name!":
   1 r$(j)="No expense was spared to furnish":
   1 r$(j)="NO violence please!":
   1 r$(j)="Munch, munch , munch!":
   1 r$(j)="Magical but not necessarily":
   1 r$(j)="Looks rather unfriendly!":
   1 r$(j)="Looks rather anxious as the web":
   1 r$(j)="Looks like a FLY-BY-NIGHT!":
   1 r$(j)="Looks interesting. How about":
   1 r$(j)="Looks as though it may have":
   1 r$(j)="Looks as though it could do":
   1 r$(j)="Looks a bit special!":
   1 r$(j)="Like that used by Snakecharmers.":
   1 r$(j)="Let's leave it in the basket!":
   1 r$(j)="Just what you would expect!":
   1 r$(j)="Just fluffy FLUFF!":
   1 r$(j)="Just common or garden varieties!":
   1 r$(j)="It's very elegant and would not":
   1 r$(j)="It's too heavy for you.":
   1 r$(j)="It's too FLUFFY to collect.":
   1 r$(j)="It's the pits! (Thanks John Mac)":
   1 r$(j)="It's shrouded in mystery!":
   1 r$(j)="It's quite, quite too heavy!!":
   1 r$(j)="It's quite small as haystacks go":
   1 r$(j)="It's open.":
   1 r$(j)="It's open!":
   1 r$(j)="It's not yet completed and NO":
   1 r$(j)="It's not very special.":
   1 r$(j)="It's not very special, but on":
   1 r$(j)="It's not smiling! Perhaps it":
   1 r$(j)="It's not for your ears!":
   1 r$(j)="It's not as easy as that!":
   1 r$(j)="It's just an untidy pile now!":
   1 r$(j)="It's in the basket.":
   1 r$(j)="It's firmly fixed to the plinth.":
   1 r$(j)="It's firmly fixed to the floor.":
   1 r$(j)="It's charming!":
   1 r$(j)="It's beautifully carved and it":
   1 r$(j)="It's an untidy pile of hay.":
   1 r$(j)="It's BATTY BAT from GREEN DOOR":
   1 r$(j)="It would grace any parlour.":
   1 r$(j)="It wasn't easy! But it's done.":
   1 r$(j)="It stares at you and pricks up":
   1 r$(j)="It makes a lovely adornment.":
   1 r$(j)="It looks just like a TOKEN! I":
   1 r$(j)="It jumps up to sing: 
   1 r$(j)="It is too quick for you.":
   1 r$(j)="It is smaller than the one on":
   1 r$(j)="It is all in secured cases.":
   1 r$(j)="It is NEARLY fit for a GOD!":
   1 r$(j)="It doesn't look very special.":
   1 r$(j)="In this part of the garden some":
   1 r$(j)="I think the CATCH is now over":
   1 r$(j)="How about threading the needle?":
   1 r$(j)="Hello to you!":
   1 r$(j)="Heady but nice!":
   1 r$(j)="He's too heavy for you!":
   1 r$(j)="He's not too keen on that idea!":
   1 r$(j)="He's not here now!":
   1 r$(j)="He's much too heavy for you!":
   1 r$(j)="He's lying there 
   1 r$(j)="He is a very strange figure, but":
   1 r$(j)="Good quality animal feedstuff.":
   1 r$(j)="Fit for a GOD.":
   1 r$(j)="Even you will need some SCISSORS":
   1 r$(j)="Even you are not able to do that":
   1 r$(j)="Empty, plain empty!":
   1 r$(j)="Elegant, tall, grooved and slim":
   1 r$(j)="Down! It's just DOWN! Try UP now":
   1 r$(j)="Don't think there is a pop group":
   1 r$(j)="Don't be nosey anymore!":
   1 r$(j)="Doesn't look very appetising.":
   1 r$(j)="Do you think that was wise?":
   1 r$(j)="Covered in black velvet.":
   1 r$(j)="Colourful but quite ordinary!":
   1 r$(j)="Can't see very much from here.":
   1 r$(j)="But you have NO thread!":
   1 r$(j)="But you can't understand them!":
   1 r$(j)="But you are IN it!":
   1 r$(j)="But what prompted that?":
   1 r$(j)="But there's no-one here!":
   1 r$(j)="But she is not here!":
   1 r$(j)="But she does'nt like that idea!":
   1 r$(j)="Bronze is NOT good enough!":
   1 r$(j)="Both N and S before W!":
   1 r$(j)="As you've been south already":
   1 r$(j)="As you've been north already":
   1 r$(j)="As you reach out it flits about":
   1 r$(j)="As you catch the snake in the":
   1 r$(j)="Aries, Pisces, Capricorn etc!":
   1 r$(j)="Apparently made of silver, but":
   1 r$(j)="Apologies from authors!"
   1 r$(j)="Although it is empty it is still":
   1 r$(j)="A navel-shaped RUBY falls out!":
   1 r$(j)="24 on the rabbit scale!":
   1 r$(j)="""WE are not amused!"" is the":
   1 r$(j)="""That's me!"" says the spider!":
   1 r$(j)="""I've heard that one"" says":
   1 r$(j)="""I like being examined!""she says":
   1 r$(c)="Or even FLUID if you prefer!":
   1 r$(c)="JUG in a dark corner.":
   1 r$(b)="then lies down again 
   1 r$(b)="something falling at your feet":
   1 r$(b)="pool contains embalming flluid!":
   1 r$(b)="place as water.":
   1 r$(b)="of the bushes is a MULBERRY bush":
   1 r$(b)="it up you drop the KEY.":
   1 r$(b)="hairy legs and answers to Ernie!":
   1 r$(b)="given some 
   1 r$(b)="fact that they are unlocked.":
   1 r$(b)="destined for you!":
   1 r$(b)="collapses into an untidy pile.":
   1 r$(b)="When he has gone you notice a":
   1 r$(b)="Well, it's a change from KILROY!":
   1 r$(b)="THREAD.................(Think!)":
   1 r$(b)="I require I'll reward you well.""":
   1 r$(b)="Don't answer THAT!":
   1 r$(b)="CHARM which drops at your feet.":
   1 r$(a)="your own back!":
   1 r$(a)="your generosity and gives you a":
   1 r$(a)="your advantage to know that the":
   1 r$(a)="you see a 
   1 r$(a)="you decide to drop that idea!":
   1 r$(a)="you can't raise a smile.":
   1 r$(a)="without a threaded needle!":
   1 r$(a)="with an ornate BOX on it.":
   1 r$(a)="with a big feed!":
   1 r$(a)="why not go south now?":
   1 r$(a)="why not go north now?":
   1 r$(a)="to be able to do that!":
   1 r$(a)="there's the RUB!":
   1 r$(a)="the stones a strange magic glow.":
   1 r$(a)="the ramp to be at your feet!":
   1 r$(a)="the bronze TOKEN vibrates!":
   1 r$(a)="the Embankment!  SEW what!":
   1 r$(a)="the ABRACADABRA type!":
   1 r$(a)="soothsayer.":
   1 r$(a)="something quite interesting!":
   1 r$(a)="smile but the joke KILLS the fly"::
   1 r$(a)="signs of something.............":
   1 r$(a)="sign of something..............":
   1 r$(a)="sewing yet!":
   1 r$(a)="says the SPHINX.":
   1 r$(a)="right place may help.":
   1 r$(a)="rewards you with some PERFUME.":
   1 r$(a)="response to that idea!":
   1 r$(a)="reflective beauty, but it's not":
   1 r$(a)="reflection, the pool might be!!":
   1 r$(a)="raiment fit for a 
   1 r$(a)="quite beautiful.":
   1 r$(a)="perhaps more important is the":
   1 r$(a)="opening it?":
   1 r$(a)="needle falls out as the haystack":
   1 r$(a)="magic powers! There's the RUB!":
   1 r$(a)="liquid is 
   1 r$(a)="leaves and making very fine":
   1 r$(a)="leaves and having a party!!":
   1 r$(a)="lady's beautifying armoury!":
   1 r$(a)="its ears.":
   1 r$(a)="is securely locked!":
   1 r$(a)="is not finished. Has short,fat,":
   1 r$(a)="is a snake in it!":
   1 r$(a)="impressive jewellery.":
   1 r$(a)="helps to convey the magic aura.":
   1 r$(a)="he could be of some assistance":
   1 r$(a)="have been put UP to it!":
   1 r$(a)="from the grateful Concubine!":
   1 r$(a)="flies have been caught in it.":
   1 r$(a)="don't see any CATCH in that!":
   1 r$(a)="doesn't like that fly there!":
   1 r$(a)="called BAND AGES!":
   1 r$(a)="but you still can't lift it!":
   1 r$(a)="but returns to the nose position":
   1 r$(a)="bushes here. You notice that one":
   1 r$(a)="beetles off to enjoy the treat!":
   1 r$(a)="be used for anything as common-":
   1 r$(a)="basket, you notice it had a":
   1 r$(a)="are of the MULBERRY variety!":
   1 r$(a)="anything! When you have ALL that":
   1 r$(a)="and the haystack collapses with":
   1 r$(a)="and decorate in here.":
   1 r$(a)="an adventure on SIX-in-ONE.":
   1 r$(a)="allowed in my presence!""":
   1 r$(a)="a chummy way!":
   1 r$(a)="a BRACELET. As you hastily scoop":
   1 r$(a)="The carpet not the design!":
   1 r$(a)="MUMMY'S health! (only joking!)":
   1 r$(a)="Lets not tempt fate!":
   1 r$(a)="I would much prefer some action!":
   1 r$(a)="CHEEK!...........cheeky!":
   1 r$(a)="Boris Karloff!!!""":
   1 q,n;"The case opens and you fall out ............................... find you are WHERE?":
   1 prominent feature here is a  
   1 possessions 
   1 pair of closed, silver doors.
   1 other key for SAVE to Tape.
   1 on the carpet.":
   1 object sometimes can    provide more useful information."
   1 no>(MOB+g))
   1 no=no-MOB:
   1 narrow corridor, towards the 
   1 n;" Then you BLACK out! "
   1 n,n;"You enter what appears to be an EGYPTIAN tomb. Light comes from flickering torches affixed to   the walls. Ancient carvings     adorn a long...."
   1 my tomb and left me like this
   1 may sometimes be used."
   1 may let you escape. To show  
   1 line=line-20
   1 line=line-10
   1 line=line+10
   1 l,q;"WELL DONE!";
   1 l,n;"You open your eyes....Everythingis blurred and your mind is     fuzzy...":
   1 l,n;" The ANUBIS rolls about on the  floor and you are able to dodge    through the silver doors!":
   1 l,j;"That pool is full of embalming  fluid! You are now in no state  to carry on with your quest.":
   1 j;" HAPPY DREAMS ":
   1 is now COMPLETELY EMPTY   
   1 in gold on the ceiling. The  
   1 i;t$;"* You're in the SNAKE PIT with ** these poisonous snakes.....  *";t$
   1 i;t$;"*   You have come down, down,  **   down, into a room full of  **           DOWN!              *":
   1 i;'';"The MUMMY takes from you:"''"the BRACELET of red gold"'"the ornate NECKLACE"'"the exotic PERFUME"'"and the adorning KOHL."''"She thanks you profusely and    before she runs off she tells   you a rather funny JOKE!":
   1 i;"The MUMMY takes from you:"''"the JUG of embalming fluid"'"the funeral FOOD"'"the snake-shaped CHARM"'"and the BANDAGES."''"He thanks you profusely and runsoff. You now notice the CLOTH ofgold which falls off the slab ashe disappears.":
   1 i;"THOTH takes the GIFT and smiles!":
   1 i;"OK..You now have some bandages!":
   1 i;" Press a key to continue ":
   1 heartless, here is a pair of 
   1 have been missed by the vandals,
   1 green glow
   1 golden Throne 
   1 golden SCISSORS
   1 glass cases there is on show 
   1 g;'"  Your head is spinning around  ":
   1 g;" You turn off the computer and             go to bed":
   1 g;" You find yourself on the floor        in your own home!        ":
   1 g;" As your eyes become accustomed  to the fire light, you see a    Soothsayer sitting at the far   end of the room. He is swaying  gently from side to side as he  chants strange words and music.":
   1 find useful. NOW GO! This    
   1 ews..........":
   1 embalming fluid!
   1 corridor, near the west end. 
   1 coming from a small haystack 
   1 coming from a pile of hay.   
   1 code      
   1 cave than a room. The most   
   1 c,a;"In front of you there is a";''':
   1 bitten on the wrist!  Byeeeeee! 
   1 at her dressing table.       
   1 are unable to pursue your task!
   1 any other key for LOAD from Tape
   1 and intertwine. A winding,   
   1 af;"*";t$''
   1 adornments.
   1 acid yellow.
   1 ab,g;"Press a key to start":
   1 a;" You see RED! "
   1 a;" RED DOOR "
   1 Your imagination must be working
   1 You've already done that!
   1 You notice a NECKLACE which must
   1 You must be seeing things!
   1 You have just been MUMMIFIED so 
   1 You have entered the byre.   
   1 You can't carry any more!
   1 You are standing above the   
   1 You are now in the 
   1 What to do now?
   1 UNLOCK CUPBOARD....etc.":
   1 Try something else............
   1 This is the very depressing  
   1 This is the 
   1 This is much more like a     
   1 This burial chamber   
   1 This appears to be an Ante-  
   1 There's a naked MUMMY on it!
   1 That won't do any good!
   1 THOTH. ""I'm getting rather   
   1 Start tape, then press any key.
   1 Sorry! No can do!
   1 She says, ""Vandals desecrated
   1 Pure white!
   1 Press I to read the             Introduction again."
   1 OK.......position SAVED
   1 OK........
   1 Nothing happens!
   1 NOT a pretty sight!
   1 Looks quite contented now.
   1 In this burial chamber there 
   1 I'm afraid this is asp time 
   1 He says, ""Vandals desecrated 
   1 Funeral Parlour. It has the  
   1 For SAVE to bank press B or any 
   1 For LOAD from bank press B or   
   1 Do you want to try again? (Y/N)
   1 Created with Ramsoft MakeTZX
   1 Could you please help me by  
   1 Check your Inventory!
   1 But you drop it!
   1 As you reach out for it you are 
   1 Apologies from authors!         *                               *                               *                               A 
   1 Apartments. The decorations
   1 A faint smell of perfume is  
   1 A beautiful    
   1 ;"press any key"
   1 ;"STOP TAPE";
   1 ;"SIX-in-ONE...............`4.95"
   1 ;"SCOTLAND.   DD10 9DT"
   1 ;"RAMHOTEP/PROSPECTOR......`2.95"
   1 ;"Press ""I"" to read Introduction"
   1 ;"PRINCE OF TYNDAL.........`1.95"
   1 ;"DOUBLE AGENT + ESCAPE....`3.95"
   1 ;"6-in-1";
   1 ;", which is a compilation  of six adventures of differing  difficulties. The complete      current catalogue of TARTAN     SOFTWARE adventures is:......."
   1 ;" This adventure was taken from   ";
   1 ;" HELLO THERE ":
   1 ;" Compilations of any collection  of the above adventures are     available. Write for details."
   1 ;"                 "
   1 ..not always useful!"
   1 -he hates it!""":
   1 , the object is still there youknow that you have in fact not  ""moved."""
   1 , chuckles and splutters":
   1 , carved from sandstone
   1 ** peacock blue 
   1 * You are now inside the MUMMY ** CASE with the MUMMY! It is   ** quite dim in here but you    ** can just see a CATCH with a  ** gold slot in it. You can also** feel the MUMMY'S breath on   ** your cheek!                  *":
   1 *  no29                         
   1 *  no28                         
   1 *  You have with you:          *
   1 *  Some very fine THREAD       *
   1 *  Some funeral FOOD           *
   1 *  Some exotic PERFUME         *
   1 *  Some adorning KOHL          *
   1 *  Shaped pieces of gold CLOTH *
   1 *  Cleopatra's NEEDLE          *
   1 *  CLOTH of gold               *
   1 *  An ornate NECKLACE          *
   1 *  An old white SHROUD         *
   1 *  An old scroll of RUNES      *
   1 *  A wicker BASKET             *
   1 *  A threaded NEEDLE           *
   1 *  A snake-shaped CHARM        *
   1 *  A small golden KEY          *
   1 *  A silver JUG                *
   1 *  A short golden ROD          *
   1 *  A shiny, gold COIN          *
   1 *  A rather funny JOKE         *
   1 *  A quantity of BANDAGES      *
   1 *  A piece of FLUFF            *
   1 *  A pair of gold SCISSORS     *
   1 *  A navel-shaped RUBY         *
   1 *  A nasty-looking SNAKE       *
   1 *  A musical PIPE              *
   1 *  A handful of HAY            *
   1 *  A gorgeous RAIMENT          *
   1 *  A gold TOKEN                *
   1 *  A dead, dead FLY            *
   1 *  A bronze-coloured TOKEN     *
   1 *  A JUG of embalming fluid    *
   1 *  A BRACELET of red gold      *
   1 *  A BASKET with a snake in it *
   1 *   no30                        
   1 *        Nothing at all        *
   1 ) will redescribe the current location.Can be useful if the details    have scrolled off the screen."
   1 ) will  itemise the objects which you   have in your possession."
   1 ) is required in some darklocations then be sure to switchoff or extinguish when it is notrequired as there is likely to  be a time limit on the use of   the light source."
   1 ) enables you to   organise a fresh start.........."
   1 ) but several   can accept inputs of complete   sentences."
   1 (o+no)=m))
   1 (no<(MOB+j)
   1 (PRHY+t),hz
   1 (PRHY+ad),n:
   1 (PRHY+ad),hy:
   1 (PRHY+ac),hx:
   1 (PRHY+ac),g:
   1 '';"You look up to see several largeboulders just about to fall on  you..." 
   1 '';"      What's that noise?"
   1 ''';"   You opened it didn't you!"
   1 "Try other directions until you  find that you HAVE moved then   DROP another object. Continue   with this approach until the    route through the MAZE becomes  apparent."
   1 "The computer acts as your sensesand accepts instructions from   commands in ENGLISH from the    keyboard."
   1 "Other single word commands:-"
   1 "Most adventure programs take    notice of only the first few    letters of each typed-in word-  the number can vary from 3 to 5 although on occasions a program may require the full word."
   1 "Most adventure games will acceptshortened versions of frequentlyused commands such that:-"
   1 "Many adventures, like this one, require mainly an input of 
   1 "Many adventures incorporate a   MAZE puzzle and the way through 
   1 "Keep an open mind and remember  that most objects will have someuse albeit not the expected one!eg A paper CLIP may be used to  PICK LOCK rather than hold a    sheaf of papers together."
   1 "In the first MAZE location DROP an object and then, if on going 
   1 "If an item of apparel cannot be worn then be sure it has some   other, probably obcsure use!"
   1 "If an action does not work then try synonyms, particularly for  VERBS. eg CLOSE BOX may not workbut SHUT BOX might."
   1 "If a temporary SAVE command is  available then make good use of it before trying any possibly   dangerous command such as 
   1 "If a source of light (
   1 "GET (or TAKE) is the usual      command to pick up an object.   Until recently it had been the  convention that any object whichcould be picked up would be     included in the 
   1 "DROP (or LEAVE), or in special  cases 
   1 "Commands to activate lights varyfrom the obvious 
   1 "Check your INVENTORY at start ofthe adventure."
   1 "Be careful with fragile items asthey MAY break if you DROP them!"
   1 "An adventure places the player  in a world of his/her own, with a task to achieve and usually   many puzzles to solve before    THE END."
   1 "An adventure is totally unlike  a fast reaction arcade game---  there is no demand for speedy   reaction but SOME brain power   and a degree of lateral thinkingmay be required to complete the game."
   1 "Always draw a map and note on itthe position of any found object"
   1 "64115",no
   1 "21";"    You are in the exotic     ";
   1 "21";"     ornamental garden.       ";
   1 "(This adventure requires the    first 5 letters.)"
   1 ""Welcome to my tomb"", says   
   1 ""Now, where's my gift"" shouts
   1 ""F"">>forward ""B"">>back ""Q"">>quit
   1 ""         
   1 "                 
   1  your last chance. There's no 
   1  you with brown lanquid eyes. 
   1  you that I am not completely 
   1  whole room is illuminated    
   1  which you may
   1  where the walls are hung with
   1  what appears on the screen VERY carefully as a hasty glancecan often result in missing somepiece of vital information."
   1  wander these corridors for   
   1  very long time.              
   1  vandals. Also, there is a    
   1  uncared-for appearance of    
   1  to the east.";
   1  to go home! Well if you bring
   1  thunders THOTH. ""Well that's 
   1  though it was the work of    
   1  there is a spider busily     
   1  there is a part finished web 
   1  the room stands a carved box 
   1  the most wonderful jewellery.
   1  the Concubine's Apartments.  
   1  symbols have been etched out 
   1  stretching to the west as far
   1  stones. The signs of the     
   1  spinning a web in a corner.  
   1  some bygone ruler or GOD.    
   1  snakes are slithering up it. 
   1  snake-pit. Below, snakes of  
   1  see two dimly lit alcoves to 
   1  sacred cow sleeps. There is  
   1  replacing my 
   1  position either from tape or from the memory of the  computer. Details of specific   requirements will be found on   the inlay card. 
   1  pool which is gleaming with  
   1  plain burial chamber. Lying  
   1  pit to your feet. Several    
   1  permits the reinstatement  of a 
   1  paintings of Egyptian figures
   1  oreven just 
   1  on the floor is an apparently
   1  on his nose!                 
   1  on a marble slab, and he is  
   1  not having been used for a   
   1  north lies an exotic garden. 
   1  my tomb and left me like this
   1  me a gift worthy of a GOD, I 
   1  may regret it!""              
   1  magic about this place.      
   1  lying on the floor. 
   1  lying on a marble slab, and  
   1  long corridor with flickering
   1  lights from unseen torches.  
   1  is completely painted in 
   1  is a male MUMMY--he is lying 
   1  is a female MUMMY--she is    
   1  in the main!":
   1  in the air. There is a patio 
   1  in one corner.               
   1  impatient!     Do not return 
   1  forgotten MUMMY CASE.        
   1  ever and a day and longer!""  
   1  etc can be used instead of 
   1  escape now. I banish you to  
   1  entrance hall in front of a  
   1  east end. It is quiet here!  
   1  does not elicit   the correct response then try   
   1  decorated with beautiful     
   1  consist of rich hangings in  
   1  can on occasions give an  indication of your progress."
   1  burning inside a pentacle of 
   1  be heard in here.            
   1  be ""mapped"" by dropping     objects in each of the locationsof the MAZE (SAVE first!)."
   1  bat is hovering about
   1  audience is at an end.""     
   1  at the far end of the room.  
   1  as the eye can see. You can  
   1  as she happily chews the cud.
   1  as much as possible at  your first attempt (only after  carefully reading ALL the detailof the inlay card), then start  again when you have made at     least some progress."
   1  are used to dispense with an object."
   1  allows you to retain your  current position in the game,   either to tape for a permanent  SAVE or into the memory of the  computer for a temporary SAVE."
   1  all shapes and sizes writhe  
   1  again without my gift or you 
   1  a scent of sweet hay in here 
   1  Zodiac adorn the walls.      
   1  You enter a five-sided room. 
   1  You are on the patio outside 
   1  You are in the Concubine's  
   1  You are in an EGYPTIAN TOMB. 
   1  You are in a small, extremely
   1  You are in a high chamber,   
   1  You are in a dusky alcove. A 
   1  This is the east end of a    
   1  This is the Treasure Room. In
   1  This is obviously where the  
   1  There is a soothsayer sitting
   1  There is a mysterious fire   
   1  There is a long dark corridor
   1  There is a distinct air of   
   1  The silence here is deafening
   1  The sacred cow gazes at you  
   1  THOTH, ""I suppose you'd like 
   1  Press any other key and start  the tape to LOAD the adventure."
   1  Persian carpet looking at    
   1  One case is open and seems   
   1  On a plinth in the middle of 
   1  It is the burial place of    
   1  In this burial chamber there 
   1  Here you can see:            
   1  Here there is an ornamental  
   1  Funeral Parlour. The faint   
   1  Egyptian Concubine is sitting
   1  Could you please help me by  
   1  Chamber attached to the      
   1  Can you now find your way home?V
   1  At the far end of the room,  
   1  A tall anubis stands in the  
   1  A sacred cow is sitting on a 
   1  (or sometimes 
   1   You have entered a TEMPLE.  
   1   No SAVE has been performed so 
   1   Insert DATA tape, press PLAY  
   1   A flight of stairs leads   
   1   ""YOU AGAIN! And no gift!""   
   1    This is the west end of    
   1    There is a MUMMY inside it!  
   1     there is no DATA to LOAD!
   1     then press any key....
   1     a long dark corridor.     
   1     THAT is embalming fluid!
   1     He pulls you in`with him!
   1       This burial chamber     
   1        down from here
   1         is now EMPTY         
   1             BYEEee!           